Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Bradley - 3 Months


    You are THREE months old!! You are very vocal! You love to hear yourself talk. You have started laughing a lot these days. You sleep in your pack n play in Mommy and Daddy's room. We tried to move you to your crib, but you are so loud you wake up your sister! You have slept through the night two times now! 8:30-6:30. Those two nights were amazing! You usually go down around 8:30 and wake anywhere between 2-4 to eat, then wake around 6:30. Sometimes you'll go back down until 8. Sometimes you are up for the day.

You are getting into a pretty good routine of 3 naps a day. You go down around 9 in the mornings for about an hour, then around 1. That nap lasts anywhere between 1 hour - 3 hours. Then you go down around 4:30 or 5 for almost an hour.

You have found your feet! You have started to grab things on your play mat and are fascinated that you can actually grab them. You LOVE your hands. You always have them in your mouth. You still like your paci and your thumb.

You are wearing mostly 6 month clothes. Size 2 diapers. You nurse all the time. I would say there is a pattern in it, but each day is different! We don't go to the dr again until 4 months so we are not sure how much you weigh.

Your smile melts my heart. We love you so much little man!

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